Holocaust and WW II

Group Guided Tours in the Auschwitz Museum



Organised groups visiting the Auschwitz Museum must use the services of authorised, licensed museum guides. The museum sets great store by the proper training of its guides, which gives a guarantee of a very high standard of commentary. Each group may number a maximum of thirty, and so it is important to reserve the right number of guides for larger groups. The museum has guides giving tours in many European languages. In view of the widespread interest in visiting the museum, it is vital to reserve a guide well in advance, ideally several weeks ahead of your visit.


Guided tours

Organised groups visiting the Auschwitz Museum have to take a guided tour. As there can be hundreds of groups visiting the museum in the high season, it is important to reserve a guide well in advance – even several weeks ahead of your visit.There are three types of guided tours available; they differ in terms of duration, range of subjects addressed, and number of places, exhibits and exhibitions included in the tour. Each type of tour is priced separately.


Standard tour 

Takes around three and a half hours and covers the camps Auschwitz I – Stammlager and directly afterwards Auschwitz II – Birkenau, in the latter taking in the entrance gate, the quarantine barracks, the women’s camp, the ruins of gas chambers and crematoria no. 2 and 3, and the monument to the victims of the camp. 
Suitable for individuals and groups with a limited amount of time.

One-day study tour 

Takes around six hours in all, and includes an extended tour of Auschwitz I – the Stammlager (original camp), and Auschwitz II – Birkenau, including the exhibition in the central bathhouse, “Canada”, and the ruins of gas chambers and crematoria no. 4 and 5.
A lunch break may be scheduled in between the tours of the two parts of the camp. 
Suitable for groups on study or class trips in which Auschwitz is one of the main themes.


Two-day study tour

Two four-hour tours on successive days.
Includes an extended tour of Auschwitz I – the Stammlager, with the additional option of viewing the Yad Vashem exhibition, “Shoah”, or a selected national exhibition.
The tour of Auschwitz II Birkenau may also be extended beyond the scope of the one-day tour to include a visit to the Roma sub-camp (Ger. Zigeunerlager) and “Mexico”, the sub-camp for female Jews from Hungary – the last and most distant part of Birkenau.
Suitable for groups for whom discovering the history of Auschwitz is the main objective.

Entrance charges

Entrance to the museum is free of charge. The only payment is for the rental of the headphone system, a technical convenience that ensures an appropriate level of quiet is maintained in the exhibition while guaranteeing that visitors’ comprehension of the guide’s commentary is unimpaired; the guide speaks into a microphone and visitors listen to the commentary through headphones. The headphone system is mandatory for groups of over ten people. The guide services are also subject to a fee.


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